Friday, December 7, 2007

[cse 471] Grading scheme for project-4 (prolog theorem prover)


Grading scheme for project-4 is as follows:

Total: 100 + 40 (extra credit)

Coding + Testing + Documentation:
Task1:   5
Task2:  20
Task3:  25

code  quality: 5

Domains: 15 pts (5+10)

Edited Trace - with analysis - and comments: 15 pts
Correct outputs for test cases: 10 pts
Other Analysis (observations): 5 pts

Extra Credit: 10 points for each of the 4 tasks

Let me know if you have any questions.

(Since  few of you used the late extension, I  will send the statistics once I am done with grading them.)

Good luck for the final take home exam.


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