Thursday, August 30, 2007

[cse 471] Instructions on submitting Assignment-0 (LISP refresher)

Hello all,

I hope all of you are progressing well with the first LISP project (a.k.a assignment-0). Here are the instructions for its submission.

-  You must submit a hardcopy of your report in the class. The report should have your code with a sample run of the solution for each problem. (say 2-3 input cases). You can add short comments for your solutions if you think it's necessary.

-  And, you should submit only the "Code" part of the report in the blackboard section of this course (on I have opened a link for uploading your file -- check under "Assignments" section on blackboard. Put all your functions in a .lisp file, name the file as <firstname_lastname>.lisp and upload it. (Note that you can submit only once).

Let me know if you have any questions.


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