I am done grading the final exam, and also assigning participation grades. Enclosed please find the final cumulatives for
both the sections.
Participation grade is based on 1. three letter grades for attendance, attentiveness and blog participation and
2. conversion of those three to a single number between 0 and 10.
Note that I included two "grand totals"--one which includes everything except participation
and the other which also includes participation grade and scales everything down by a factor of 11/10
(since participation grade is more subjective than the other grades, I wanted to see how many people's
relative standings got significantly affected by the participation grade).
I will now ponder over these numbers and await super-natural enlightenment to dawn on me between now and
11:59pm when the grades are due.
I will tell you this much. The students at the top of the 471 and 598 lists will both get A+ grades.
***************Those two are also are invited to *suggest* grade cutoffs for both sections (as well as what should be the lowest grade awarded in
either of the sections). [I