Monday, October 1, 2007

Results of class survey

 Here are the tabulated results from the class survey that Kartik sent me. I am sharing them with you so you can see how you stack up with the "majority" view in the class on various operational issues.
 On first glance, I don't quite see any alarming trends in the survey (other than, perhaps, the fact that most of our graduate students are "one sided" ;-) )  So I guess I can--like Brother Bush--stick to the course as it were..  If you see trends I am missing, let me know (you can use the anonymous mail service).
 Note that the sheet shows both percentages over all students and also over 471/598 groups separately. About the only place there is a significant divergence between 471 and 598 students is (1) whether the projects should be made less challenging and (2) depth vs. breadth of lecture material
 Notes from Kartik:
Here are the tabulated results. A few notes:
1. Quite a few of the graduate students didn't flip over to see that there was another side.
2. Not everyone answered everything
3. For the multiple answers OK questions, I used the total responses received as the denominator for the percentages, but for the single answer ones, the denominator was always either the number of UG and G students. 
4. There were a lot of hand-written comments, especially from the grad section. I didn't know what to do with these vis-a-vis the excel sheet.


  A B C D E F
1 CSE 471/598 Fall 2007 UG UG % Grad G % Total %
2 Class Survey          
Please Circle the appropriate choice for each questions          
ABOUT YOU          
Qn0  I am taking the course as          
CSE471 9 31.03 %     31.03 %
8 CSE598      20 68.97 % 68.97 %
10  QN1 The pace of the class/lectures is          
11  somewhat slow 1 11.11 % 3 15.00 % 13.79 %
12 too slow 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
13 somewhat fast 3 33.33 % 6 30.00 % 31.03 %
14 too fast 1 11.11 % 1 5.00 % 6.90 %
15 just right 4 44.44 % 9 45.00 % 44.83 %
17  QN2 The lecture(s) that you liked most until now (you can circle multiple)          
18  The intro lectures 4 16.00 % 3 7.69 % 10.94 %
19 The Agent Lectures 2 8.00 % 4 10.26 % 9.38 %
20 The Blind search lectures 4 16.00 % 6 15.38 % 15.63 %
21 The informed search (A*) lectures 8 32.00 % 17 43.59 % 39.06 %
22 The CSP Lectures 7 28.00 % 9 23.08 % 25.00 %
23 Pattern Databases 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
24 They are all bad 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
26  QN3 The lecture(s) that you liked *least* until now (you can circle multiple)          
27  The intro lectures 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
28 The Agent Lectures 3 30.00 % 6 33.33 % 32.14 %
29 The Blind search lectures 1 10.00 % 1 5.56 % 7.14 %
30 The informed search (A*) lectures 1 10.00 % 1 5.56 % 7.14 %
31 The CSP Lectures 2 20.00 % 5 27.78 % 25.00 %
32 Pattern Databases 1 10.00 % 0 0.00 % 3.57 %
33 They are all great 2 20.00 % 5 27.78 % 25.00 %
35  QN4 Which type of lectures did you follow better          
36  The lectures done with slides 2 22.22 % 2 10.00 % 13.79 %
37 The lectures done with white-board 1 11.11 % 4 20.00 % 17.24 %
38 Those with a mix 6 66.67 % 13 65.00 % 65.52 %
40  QN5 The lecture style          
41  Keeps you engaged 2 22.22 % 9 45.00 % 37.93 %
42 overwhelms you 1 11.11 % 3 15.00 % 13.79 %
43 reasonable 6 66.67 % 8 40.00 % 48.28 %
44 Conducive to a pre-prandial snooze 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
46  QN6 The class is          
47  Too much "Teacher Talking" 4 44.44 % 2 10.00 % 20.69 %
48 Sufficiently interactive 5 55.56 % 17 85.00 % 75.86 %
49 Too interactive 0 0.00 % 1 5.00 % 3.45 %
51  QN7 The material (as of now) is          
52  Exciting 1 11.11 % 10 50.00 % 37.93 %
53 Boring 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
54 okay 8 88.89 % 10 50.00 % 62.07 %
56  QN8 The presentation level          
57  Goes right over my head 1 11.11 % 4 20.00 % 17.24 %
58 Spoonfeeds me by repeating every little thing 1 11.11 % 1 5.00 % 6.90 %
59 Just right for me 7 77.78 % 15 75.00 % 75.86 %
61  QN9 Most of the the extra discussion on the blog is, for the most part,          
62  lapped-up by me 2 22.22 % 9 45.00 % 37.93 %
63 ignored by me 6 66.67 % 8 40.00 % 48.28 %
64 What extra stuff? 1 11.11 % 0 0.00 % 3.45 %
66  QN10 I am able to get help when needed from the Instructor          
67  Strongly agree 0 0.00 % 9 45.00 % 31.03 %
68 Okay 7 77.78 % 11 55.00 % 62.07 %
69 Not really.. 1 11.11 % 0 0.00 % 3.45 %
71  QN11 I am able to get help when needed from the TA          
72  Strongly agree 1 11.11 % 11 55.00 % 41.38 %
73 Okay 5 55.56 % 9 45.00 % 48.28 %
74 Not really.. 2 22.22 % 0 0.00 % 6.90 %
77  QN12 The expectations/demands of the course/instructor are          
78  Unreasonably high 2 22.22 % 2 10.00 % 13.79 %
79 Unreasonably low 0 0.00 % 0 0.00 % 0.00 %
80 Challenging but reasonable 7 77.78 % 18 90.00 % 86.21 %
82  QN13 The lecture material is          
83  Too depth oriented 2 22.22 % 0 0.00 % 6.90 %
84 Too breadth oriented 3 33.33 % 5 25.00 % 27.59 %
85 Just right 3 33.33 % 15 75.00 % 62.07 %
87  QN14 The lectures are          
88  Too much intuition and too little formal detail 1 11.11 % 3 15.00 % 13.79 %
89 Too much formal detail, too little intuition 3 33.33 % 2 10.00 % 17.24 %
90 Balanced between intuition and detail 4 44.44 % 11 55.00 % 51.72 %
92  Qn 15. The lectures          
93  Complement the textbook 6 66.67 % 15 75.00 % 72.41 %
94 Repeat the textbook 2 22.22 % 0 0.00 % 6.90 %
95 Are mostly disjoint from the textbook 0 0.00 % 1 5.00 % 3.45 %
97  QN16 In your opinion there should be          
98  More frequent homeworks 0 0.00 % 2 10.00 % 6.90 %
99 Less frequent homeworks 2 22.22 % 8 40.00 % 34.48 %
100 Current schedule is fine 6 66.67 % 7 35.00 % 44.83 %
102  QN17 In your opinion there should be (multiple answers okay)          
103  There should be more frequent projects 4 33.33 % 1 5.00 % 17.24 %
104 There should be less frequent projects 2 16.67 % 12 60.00 % 48.28 %
105 The projects should be more challenging 0 0.00 % 4 20.00 % 13.79 %
106 The projects should be way less challenging 6 50.00 % 1 5.00 % 24.14 %
109  QN18 Your stress/anxiety level about this course relative to your other courses          
110  Very high 4 44.44 % 7 35.00 % 37.93 %
111 Very low 0 0.00 % 2 10.00 % 6.90 %
112 About the same 4 44.44 % 8 40.00 % 41.38 %
114  QN 19 (only if you have taken an Intro to AI course before somewhere)          
115  I think this course is          
116  Pretty much similar to what I have done 0 0.00 % 2 10.00 % 6.90 %
117 Much deeper than what I have done 0 0.00 % 5 25.00 % 17.24 %
118 Much more of a cake-walk than what I have done 1 11.11 % 1 5.00 % 6.90 %
120  QN 20: (Only if you are taking it as 471 -- i.e., UG Credit)          
121  Tick any that apply          
122  I think this course is geared too much towards graduate students 2 22.22 %     6.90 %
123 The demands of this course are grossly unreasonable for a 4-level course 1 11.11 %     3.45 %
124 Fine as it is, more or less. 6 66.67 %     20.69 %
126  QN 21 Will it help to have recitation sessions to discuss homework problems?          
127  Yes - I will attend 2 22.22 % 10 50.00 % 41.38 %
128 Yes - I might attend 4 44.44 % 4 20.00 % 27.59 %
129 Not really 2 22.22 % 3 15.00 % 17.24 %
131  QN 22 If you are a 471 student …          
132  I would like to get more help from the UG grader / tutor Kartik 3 33.33 %     10.34 %
133 I want Kartik to leave me alone 0 0.00 %     0.00 %
134 I am already getting enough help 4 44.44 %     13.79 %
137  If you  have additional comment/feedback, either write below or send a mail          
138  using          

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